Real Assets. Rare Value.TM

BlackOpal is the premier onchain fund manager of emerging market private credit.


We serve institutional and accredited investors, and specialize in risk-adjusted high yield investment products that are uncorrelated to the broader market.  


Real Assets

Rare Value


Real Assets

[ Real Assets ]

We provide exposure to emerging market private credit through an onchain licensed fund vehicle, offering diversification and risk management rigor across established SME Originators in high growth markets, along with real-time transparency of all capital allocation.


Rare Value

[ Rare Value ]

Our solutions deliver uncorrelated high risk-adjusted yields across two distinct fund strategies - capital preservation and capital optimization - both offering unique features that include various investment tenors, fixed and variable yield and liquidity.


The BlackOpal Value

[ Unparalleled Performance ]

Access to Emerging Market Risk-Adjusted High Yield

[ Unparalleled Performance ]

Access to Emerging Market Risk-Adjusted High Yield

We specialize in high growth markets in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and allocate balance sheet capital by asset structure and credit product to leading Originators underwriting creditworthy SMEs.

[ Best-in-Class Experience ]

Seamless Investor Onboarding and White-Glove Support

[ Best-in-Class Experience ]

Seamless Investor Onboarding and White-Glove Support

We provide a streamlined and fully digitized subscription process through our fund administrator and your own private investor portal, integrating the best of traditional finance and onchain institutional-grade infrastructure.  

[ Rigorous 360o Risk Management ]

Tightly Managed Risk Controls Across The Investment Cycle

[ Rigorous 360<sup>o</sup> Risk Management ]

Tightly Managed Risk Controls Across The Investment Cycle

We integrate the best of centralized and decentralized risk controls across our investment strategies to deliver carefully crafted risk-adjusted yields. But don’t take our word for it. You can view it in real-time through the investor dashboard. 


Learn more about our products
Reach out to our investment team